Onepoto Lagoon Coordination Committee


OLCC Documents
onepoto.pdf pondflood.pdf
Onepoto Lagoon
Why the pond

The new fountains have been installed.
March 15.
May 3. The fountains were considerably
reduced in volume due to intake blockage.
They switched off for 20 minutes or
so and then came on normally.
There is a cleaning cycle.
May 10. The pond level had been
raised by heavy rain overnight
(see 'Why the pond floods')
and this drowned the heads.
The fountains should return to
normal when the level drops.

In the News
Planes at Onepoto Turning into Sylvan Ave
Complaints about
model planes at Onepoto.
North Shore Times 23 April
Turning into Sylvan Ave.

NSCC Submissions
EMail to Bob Wallace
EMail to Bob Wallace about
completion of the fountains.
Aucklander article NSTimes article Minutes of the
Infrastructure and
Environment Committee
10 February 2009.

See page 11.
Aucklander Article
Onepoto Pond.
NSTimes Article
Onepoto Pond.
Council minutes. Infrastructure and Environment
Committee Response
February 9.
NSCCletter CEOLetter2.pdf bonjan09.pdf CEOLetter.pdf
February 4.
CEO Letter
January 29.
email to Bob Wallace
on pond condition
29 January 2009
CEO Letter
December 2nd.
AnnualPlan2008.pdf OnepotoMud.pdf AnnualPlanHearing.pdf Annualplanresponse.pdf
Annual Plan Submission
22 May 2008.
State of the Lagoon. Report of the Hearing. NSCC Response.

Korean Garden submissions april 2008.

Onepoto Domain and Lagoon Links
Wai Care monitoring Results. Onepoto Lagoon
Wai Care monitoring Results. Stormwater channel
Community Facilities Trust - Onepoto Domain.
Auckland Tides.

Onepoto Domain Lagoon, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand.

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